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Michael Warriner  



                               Born and raised in Central Florida, Michael Warriner pursued an early interest in                                  learning music and creating characters in hand-drawn comic books. He began his                                career working simultaneously in the mental health industry and as a “Gangster”                                at Hollywood Studios Great Movie Ride.

                               It was while pursuing his degree in Psychology at a local University that the                                          pianist began spending significant hours writing stories “just to kill time” which                                  led to the unintentional equivalent of two books.

By day, Michael now applies his education and training to assist clients diagnosed with mental illness to thrive and spends his free time composing music while writing novels by night. His interests are extensive and inspire much of his work which often evolve into key elements for his plots or attributes of his richly-developed characters.

                               His debut work, "The Man in The Forest," tells the story of Vincent, a musical                                          virtuoso who gets caught up in a concert rivalry with a former student. To settle                                    the score, Vincent travels to Romania, and there he learns the horrific true story                                  behind his protégé's song, "The Man in the Forest."

                               You can follow news about Michael and his novel at:

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